Preparing to leave for South America..

Posted by Nathan Luckenbill on Monday, January 19, 2015


Tuan and I have been preparing for this trip for almost a year. It is hard to believe it is finally here. The last few months have been a roller coaster for me. Since October, I have been dealing with knee issues and it has totally consumed my thoughts. I have been doing physical therapy and everything I possibly can to get ready for this trip. I can honestly say at times, I didn’t think I was going to make it, but with the amazing support of Allie, my family and my physical therapists, I can say now I am stronger and ready to take on this trip!

I think anxious would best describe both Tuan and I’s feelings right now. We have seriously spent the last year accumulating over 100 lbs of mountaineering gear to take on this amazing adventure. We’re ready to see what these Andes mountains have in store for us!

Stay tuned for another blog post on how you can track Tuan and I on our quest through South America via GPS. For now, here are some pictures of all of our shit!
